A Consumer / Applicant intending to set up a Roof-Top Solar Net Metering System or who has already installed such a System may download the Application Form for Net Metering and submit the duly filled form, along with technical details of the System to TUCO's Customer Relation Centre along with registration fee, or apply and pay the fee online. Information regarding the same is also available at TUCO's Customer Relation Centre.
TUCO will register the application and acknowledge its receipt within three working days; or intimate the Applicant within that period of any deficiency or incompleteness.
If found technically feasible, TUCO shall, within 7 working days of the completion of the feasibility study, convey its approval for installing the Roof-top Solar PV System along with the applicable charges payable by the consumer. The approval shall indicate the maximum permissible capacity of the System, and shall be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of approval, or such extended period as may be agreed.
The Applicant shall, within the period of validity of such approval, submit the work completion report, along with relevant details (such as technical specifications, test reports received from manufacturer / system provider, etc.), with a request to TUCO for testing and commissioning of the Roof-top Solar PV System.
TUCO shall complete the testing and commissioning of the System within 10 working days from receipt of such request, and shall install the Net Metering equipment and synchronize the Roof-top Solar PV System within 10 working days thereafter.
The Eligible Consumer and TUCO shall be entering into a Net Metering Connection Agreement in the prescribed format after the Roof-Top Solar PV System is installed but before it is synchronized with the Distribution Network.
The above guidelines are only for general reference. The guidelines may be revised as and when necessary. Consumers / Applicants are advised to refer to MERC / CEA regulations for specific details.