Applicant to submit the New Power Supply Application Form Online and submit the other applicable documents to TUCO's Customer Relation Centre in person as mentioned in Annexure1 & Annexure 4.
Applicant can Download Form and submit the duly filled form along with the other applicable documents to TUCO's Customer Relation Centre in person as mentioned in the Annexure1 and Annexure 4.
TUCO will conduct the technical feasibility after the submission of duly completed form and other necessary documents and subject to the feasibility ,will intimate the charges payable by the Applicant for every new connection based on Schedule of Charges / Rates as approved by the Hon'ble MERC from time to time.
TUCO will initiate the process of provision of power supply / last mile connectivity as per MERC Standard of Performance, Regulations 2005, only after receipt of payment of charges approved by the Hon'ble MERC from time to time.
TUCO will commence substation erection and commissioning activity wherever applicable. Applicant to erect the equipment in their scope wherever applicable & comply as per Annexure -4 (eg: HT Consumers).
Offline Application Form is also available at TUCO Customer Relation Centre.